Embedding social value in public procurement
A Social Value Act for Northern Ireland will bring social, economic and environmental benefits.
Find out more >A Social Value Act for Northern Ireland will bring social, economic and environmental benefits.
Find out more >A great many eyes will be on Secretary of State for Northern Ireland James Brokenshire MP as he presents Northern Ireland’s 2017-2018 budget in parliament this afternoon.
Find out more >As Stormont continues to seek resolution, business must grapple with an uncertain landscape.
Find out more >We are now in the 11th month of no Assembly. Following a second election that has yet to produce an Executive, it can be difficult to see how organisations can get their messages heard by those in decision-making roles. Many have put off their regular engagement until the institutions are restored and the Assembly is back in business, or at least until there is clarity on who is governing Northern Ireland.
Find out more >Where are we now in the wake of James Brokenshire's latest statement?
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