2022/23 Northern Ireland Budget
The Northern Ireland Budget Bill will be fast-tracked through Parliament today.
Find out more >The Northern Ireland Budget Bill will be fast-tracked through Parliament today.
Find out more >When it comes to the delivery, never mind the reform and transformation, of public services, the common denominator is where the money comes from, hence the critical importance of the Executive’s Budget and its (in)ability to raise revenue locally.
Find out more >On Wednesday 27 October, the Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak will deliver the Autumn Budget alongside the Spending Review, in arguably the most significant fiscal event for the UK Government under the current premiership.
Find out more >If a week is a long time in politics, a year must seem like a lifetime, and for many of us the past year has been life-changing.
Find out more >All eyes turned to Rishi Sunak yesterday and the contents of his red briefcase, with the Chancellor speaking to MPs in the House of Commons for just under 52 minutes.
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