Brexit: The theory and practice of negotiation
The high stakes of today’s decision on whether ‘sufficient progress’ has been achieved on the initial three strands of the EU-UK Brexit negotiations took many by surprise.
Find out more >The high stakes of today’s decision on whether ‘sufficient progress’ has been achieved on the initial three strands of the EU-UK Brexit negotiations took many by surprise.
Find out more >Where are we now in the wake of James Brokenshire's latest statement?
Find out more >It is fashionable to wring one’s hands at the current state of political play.
Find out more >The extraordinary scenes from Catalonia contrast sharply with those of Kurdistan a week earlier – and give lie to the presumption that the Middle East is more violent in its politics than developed western Europe.
Find out more >We have all at some point have been instructed to carry out an activity which is seen to have little importance – whether this be making your boss a coffee in the morning or holding a public consultation for an EU directive which must, by law, be implemented.
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