Budget 2021: What does it mean for the Executive?
All eyes turned to Rishi Sunak yesterday and the contents of his red briefcase, with the Chancellor speaking to MPs in the House of Commons for just under 52 minutes.
Find out more >All eyes turned to Rishi Sunak yesterday and the contents of his red briefcase, with the Chancellor speaking to MPs in the House of Commons for just under 52 minutes.
Find out more >Is your organisation really contributing to change? Are your messages understood? How do you compare with your competitors?
Find out more >We’ve seen deadlines come and go before. Brexit observers will remember only too well the high-noon deadlines of EU summits, extensions, ‘flextensions’ (remember those?) and various attempts to both ‘intensify’ and ‘dedramatise’ negotiations, that dominated late 2018 and much of 2019.
Find out more >As we continue to manage the implications of a global health pandemic, focus is increasingly moving towards our rebuild and recovery efforts. Many across politics, business and the environmental sector have pointed to the potential, if not the necessity, for a green recovery.
Find out more >As MLAs return to the Stormont Chamber after three years and get to grips with their new ministerial and committee portfolios, do you know what they think of your organisation? Do you want to learn more about how you can better engage on issues that are important to you?
Find out more >