08 December 2017

Brexit: UK Government and EU strike a deal

UK Prime Minister Theresa May and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker have confirmed this morning that a deal has been struck between the EU and UK Government, enabling Phase 1 of the Brexit negotiations to conclude and talks on future trade deals to commence.

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03 November 2017

Key tips for lobbying in the absence of government

We are now in the 11th month of no Assembly. Following a second election that has yet to produce an Executive, it can be difficult to see how organisations can get their messages heard by those in decision-making roles. Many have put off their regular engagement until the institutions are restored and the Assembly is back in business, or at least until there is clarity on who is governing Northern Ireland.

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11 September 2017

Does Northern Ireland need its own aid strategy?

Recent weeks have seen both political and climatic events devastate people and places already ill-equipped to deal with their impacts: accusations of Rohingya Muslims suffering ethnic cleansing in Myanmar; widespread flooding across South East Asia impacting an estimated 40 million people; a devastating famine in South Sudan, to name but a few.

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