
06 October 2017

No P45s in Belfast

Speculation about the future gainful employment of cabinet members, which has increased after the Conservative Party conference, distracts us on this side of the Irish Sea for a short time at least.

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03 October 2017

The referendum as a constitutional tool

The extraordinary scenes from Catalonia contrast sharply with those of Kurdistan a week earlier – and give lie to the presumption that the Middle East is more violent in its politics than developed western Europe.

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26 September 2017

"Why are we consulting?"

We have all at some point have been instructed to carry out an activity which is seen to have little importance – whether this be making your boss a coffee in the morning or holding a public consultation for an EU directive which must, by law, be implemented.

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21 September 2017

Scottish and Welsh governments publish Brexit amendments

In July, in the wake of the UK Government publishing its draft legislation to take the UK out of the European Union, the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, and Carwyn Jones, her counterpart in Wales, released a joint statement condemning the proposals.

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