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06 June 2024

Irish Local and European Elections

On Friday, voters in Ireland will go to the polls for local council and European elections. The local elections will see more than 2,100 candidates contest 949 seats across 31 councils, with 166 local electoral areas in total. On the same day, voters will elect 14 MEPs in the three constituencies of Midlands North-West, South and Dublin to the European Parliament.

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The politics behind the formation of the new Executive
02 February 2024

The politics behind the formation of the new Executive

Two years to the day that the DUP walked out of the Executive, its back. While all eyes have been on the internal workings of the DUP, other parties have had time to formulate policy positions and gameplan the various political twists and turns that lie ahead in 2024 and beyond, not least the next UK General Election.

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05 October 2023

Sinn Féin launch their 2024 Alternative Budget

Over a month from their Ard Fhéis in Athlone and a week ahead of the Irish Budget, Sinn Féin released their Alternative Budget proposals for 2024 on Wednesday this week. With a budget focused on housing, health and the climate, the underlying message is invest in the future now. Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald said that the budget outlines “the type of change that a Sinn Féin government would deliver.” The €6.8 billion, primarily left of centre budget seems to have something for everyone – central to retaining the party’s lead in the polls.

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